
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The Easiest and Best Roasted Brussels Sprouts Ever

The Brussels Sprout

Dear Brussels Sprouts,

I love you so much. I cannot stay away from you. I seek you out at the market every time I go. Im not embarrassed to stare at you, touch you, pick you up, and ultimately take you home with me. I love you more than any other vegetable. Even the pea (and I love me some peas).

I love that you look like a tiny little green cabbage head. I also love how your wispy outer leaves fall away when I quarter you, and how those same leaves get all crispy, caramelized, and brown in the oven.

Can I tell you something? I didnt always love you. When I was a kid, I kinda didnt even like you. At all. Sorry. Had I known how absolutely amazing you are fresh or easily roasted, I wouldve felt much differently. Can you forgive me? I promise to spend the rest of my days loving and cherishing you.

The Enchanted Cook

The Easiest and Best Roasted Brussels Sprouts Ever

serves 4 as a side

Oven 450 degrees F, 20 minutes

16-20 large fresh organic brussels sprouts, quartered (see Cooks notes for how to clean and prep)
2 Tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
fresh cracked black pepper
sea salt flakes (I like Maldons)

In a large bowl, toss the quartered brussels sprouts with olive oil, pepper, and salt so that they are evenly coated. Its okay that the leaves start to come apart.

Spread the coated and quartered bsprouts on a baking sheet lined with aluminum foil and place in oven. 

Roast for 10 minutes, then take a spatula and turn bsprouts over. Roast for another 10 minutes or until crispy and brown on the outside, and soft and delicious on the inside.

The Easiest and Best Roasted Brussels Sprouts Ever

Cooks note:  How To Clean and Prep Brussels Sprouts

To prepare brussels sprouts - wash thoroughly, cut the ends off of each, and quarter (see below).
trim ends
cut each head into four pieces
trimmed and quartered

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